Home Improvement For Seniors

home improvement for seniors

Many seniors find themselves in need of home improvement help. These programs can make their homes safer and more comfortable to live in while helping them save money on energy bills.

Home modifications and repairs may include stairlifts, wheelchair ramps, new kitchens or bathrooms. However, most programs focus on health, safety and energy efficiency improvements.


A common goal of aging adults is to continue living in their own homes as they age, but some home repairs are needed for this to happen. However, the projects required can be costly on a fixed income.

Luckily, there are numerous charities that prioritize handyman-type assistance for seniors who need help with their houses. These programs typically focus on health and safety fixes, such as removing trip hazards and mitigating air quality issues.

Additionally, some local governments offer home repair programs for low-income households, including seniors, that provide grants or loans to cover these kinds of improvements. These might include wheelchair ramps, walk-in showers with handrails, lever handles on doors and windows, ground-fault circuit breaker outlets and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Many Medicare Advantage Plans also cover some of these types of home modifications, though specifics vary by plan. In addition, some long-term care insurance policies cover the cost of durable medical equipment with a doctor’s prescription.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a growing trend in the United States, cutting costs and carbon emissions. This is especially important for families with high energy burdens – those who spend more than six percent of their income on energy bills, such as many low-income households, including seniors.

Some home improvement programs help subsidize energy efficient updates that save money on utility bills. These include the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which helps pay for heating and cooling costs as well as weatherization. The Weatherization Assistance Program helps update homes with new, more energy-efficient furnaces, air conditioners, and other equipment.

Other home repair and improvement programs can also reduce energy bills. These services can include fixing leaky windows or doors, ensuring the air conditioning system is properly working, and replacing worn insulation. These improvements can make it easier to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the year, which is particularly important for elderly residents who are more sensitive to temperature changes.


If your older adult is struggling to navigate their home, it could be time for some accessibility improvements. These might include installing wider doorways, ramps, stairlifts or handrails. They might also want to consider installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, easy-to-reach fire extinguishers or slip-resistant flooring throughout the house.

Some state and local governments offer programs to help seniors make these types of home repairs. These may be grant or loan programs. They are often based on income and may take into account your older adult’s age, gender and ethnic or socioeconomic background.

For example, New York RESTORE offers grants to help homeowners make repairs that prevent health and safety hazards in their homes. This includes installing grab bars in bathrooms and wheelchair ramps. It also covers home modifications like installing a new stove and removing a lead-based paint. These upgrades can prevent an older adult from needing to move out of their family home.


Many elderly or disabled seniors live in homes that are not well suited to their needs. These home improvement programs perform essential repairs and modifications to enable seniors to continue living safely at home. The goal is to reduce fall risk, improve accessibility and to assist with aging in place.

Priority is usually given to those home improvements that focus on the safety or health of the senior or disabled homeowner. Examples may include electrical repair, wheelchair ramps, plumbing and heating/cooling unit repair/replacement. Foundation repairs and window replacement are also often covered.

It’s worth calling around to local contractors to see if any offer a discount for elderly clients. Many may offer a reduced fee or work on a sliding scale based on income. Also, some long term care insurance policies will cover home modifications with a doctor’s prescription. This is a good way to help seniors save money and get the important upgrades they need.